unnamed (3) [dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Little Black Gallery is proud to support Survival International’s second worldwide photography contest.

The competition aims to celebrate photography as a powerful medium for raising awareness of tribal peoples, their unique ways of life and the threats to their existence.

Both amateur and professional photographers are encouraged to enter. Photographs can be submitted in the following categories:

– Guardians: images showing tribal peoples as guardians of the natural world;

– Community: portraits of relationships between individuals, families or tribes;

– Survival: images showing tribal peoples’ extraordinarily diverse ways of life.

The judging panel includes Survival’s Director Stephen Corry, Survival Italy Coordinator Francesca Casella, The Little Black Gallery Co-Founder Ghislain Pascal, and Max Houghton (Senior Lecturer in Photography at the London College of Communication).

The twelve winning entries will be published in Survival’s 2016 calendar, with the overall winner’s image featuring on the cover.

The closing date for entries is April 30, 2015.


– For full details of the competition rules visit:

– View a photo gallery of last year’s winning entries

Survival International is the global movement for tribal peoples’ rights. We help tribal people defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures. Founded in

For further details or images please contact The Little Black Gallery

Picture: Last year’s winning entry by Giordano Cipriani
of an Asurini do Tocantins Indian in the Brazilian Amazon.
© Giordano Cipriani / Survival International

The Little Black Gallery, 13A Park Walk, London SW10 0AJ
Tel: 020-7349 9332.
Opening hours: Tuesday & Thursday 11am-1pm & ۲-۶pm,
Saturday 11am-4pm, or by appointment.
