How is life? Chetori

How is life? Chetori  چطوری
Ali Akbar Farzadi, Faribah Fargadhani, Minoo Iranpour Mobarakeh, Mahroo Movahedi, Ramesch Daha

The exhibition How is life in Vienna

Opening: Thursday 16/05/2019, 7 pm

Period: 17/05 – ۰۶/۰۷/۲۰۱۹

Venue: philomena+, Heinestraße 40/7, 1020 Vienna curated by Sibylle Omlin

The exhibition How is life? Chetori? چطوری aims to explore the area of conflict between artists living in Iran and emigrating from Iran. Based on the selected artists from Iran, an art scene, mainly from Isfahan, will be presented. We will ask about the working condition for artists, important topics and which artistic narrations they need. Isfahan – Iran’s third largest city with about 2 million inhabitants – has a small art scene, an art school and a museum of contemporary art. In addition, an active gallery scene endeavors to provide better remuneration and exchange among the artists.

Ali Akbar Farzadi and Faribah Fargadhani paint everyday scenes and symbols – the act of taking off the shoes in front of the house or the red cult car, the Méhari.

The exhibition How is life in Vienna

In her poetic short films, Minoo Iranpour Mobarakeh describes the not always easy encounter between man and woman and, above all, reflects on the position of women in Iranian society.

The exhibition How is life in Vienna

Mahroo Movahedi, born in Isfahan, lives in Switzerland, is researching in a long-term project on the Zayanderud, the river running through Isfahan, which is dry every two or three months due to diversions and congestion projects.

Ramesch Daha, who immigrated to Vienna with her family, knows Iran as part of her family history. She does large-scale artistic research projects on historical and current events in Tehran.

The exhibition How is life in Vienna

An additional program will accompany the exhibition:

Thursday, 23/05/2019, 7 pm Artist Talk: Join artist Ramesch Daha with curator Sibylle Omlin for a conversation about her work, a large-scale artistic research on historical and current events in Tehran.

Thursday, 06/06/2019, 7 pm Reading: Nava Ebrahimi, author from Graz with Iranian roots, reads from her book, “Sechzehn Wörter” (2017), in which she presents a narrative of 16 terms that play a role in Iranian everyday life.

The exhibition How is life in Vienna

Thursday, 27/06/2019, 7 pm Expert Talk: Art historian and co-founder of philomena+

Negar Hakim talks about contemporary architecture and buildings in her birthplace

Isfahan. Picnic with Iranian food in the front garden of philomena+.

source: philomena+.
